
Rice Production Guide

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Saturday, 6 September 2014

How To Grow An Avocado Tree from Seed

Avocados are one of the wonderful fruits of summer. High in nutrition and flavor, nothing signals the start of summer like a zesty lime guacamole dip with tortilla chips. The next time you’re making guacamole or slicing an avocado for a salad, try saving your pits to grow into avocado trees. It’s surprisingly easy to grow your own avocado tree from seed, and it makes a great educational project for home and classrooms. 

For best chance of success, try this with a pit that has been taken from a very (very) ripe avocado that hasn’t been refrigerated. You may also want to start 2 or 3 at a time in case one fails.

Tip: If you have plenty of sunny locations in your home, you could start several of these in the early Fall and have a bunch to sell at your annual summer yard sale or donate to church raffles, team fundraisers, etc. Depending on what part of the country you live in, these can be hot sales items.


  • Wash all the flesh off the pit, pat dry and set aside for a couple days.
  • After the drying time, remove the skin and insert 3 toothpicks 1/2″ deep into the pit equally distant from each other around the fattest part (circumference).
  • Suspend in a dark glass (pointy side up) with the toothpicks resting on the rim of the glass.
  • Fill the glass with water until the bottom 1/3 of the pit is submerged.
  • Place glass in a sunny spot. Change water every two days so there’s fresh water instead of stagnant.
  • Once you have a 6 inch stem with a couple leaves (this will take several weeks), cut the stem down to 3 inches.
  • Wait several more weeks until you have a few stems with leaves, you’re then ready to plant. The roots should now be about 2″ long.
  • Taking a 10″ diameter pot, fill with good, well draining potting soil (sandy mix works great). Removing the toothpicks, plant the pit roots down (pointy end and stems up), the top of it should be level with the soil surface.
  • When soil is dry, water. Feed regularly with houseplant food once or twice a month.
  • If the leaves turn yellow, you’re watering it too much. If leaves turn brown, you’re not watering enough. If it looks sickly, make sure you’re feeding it.
  • If you want a bushy tree, pinch the leaves after it grows every 6 inches.
  • Can be left outside during the summer months.

Another Option:

Push pit into a mix of sand and potting soil (pointy side up) with the top half above soil surface. Keep the soil moist. Leave it in a sunny spot. Pinch new growth and care for as mentioned above.

Another Method:

Wrap in moist paper towel and place in a ziploc baggy, seal. Place bag in a warm, sunny spot or somewhere warm (ideas: top of fridge, your computer monitor, television, under sink). Once it starts sprouting and the roots are about 2″ long, proceed as noted above.

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